How to Add a Background to Your Friendster Profile

Friendster users can add a background to a profile by selecting the “Customize” option from the “Edit Profile” screen, then choosing “Customize CSS,” which offers several options for creating a background color.

Add a new look and feel to a Friendster site by changing the background with the tips in this free video from an Internet business consultant. 

Expert: Tod Amazeen Bio: Tod Amazeen has been an Internet business consultant for more than 15 years. Filmmaker: N Stock

1 komentar:

  1. aq udah lama menghapus account friendster aq,, dan sekarang cuma fokus ke beberapa situs jaringan pertemanan aja spt fb, n twitter.. agak nyesel karna dari friendster smua berawal.. tapi aq gak mau buat lagi karna satu situs pertemanan aja sekarang udah melingkupi banyak hal. Makasih ya dah sharing infonya. Sangat bermanfaat!
