Why Avoid Getting Friends With Your Parents on Facebook

Do Your Chores
Why Avoid Getting Friends With Your Parents on Facebook

Adding your parents to your Facebook page almost always ends up being something you regret. It's social media, so you'll something stupid and they'll see it, or they'll say something totally embarassing and you'll never live it down!

I'm sure this girl really didn't appreciate being reminded about doing her chores by her Dad in front of all of her Facebook friends!

Taking Care of Business
Why Avoid Getting Friends With Your Parents on Facebook

Honestly, this would have been a pretty cool way to handle the situation, if only it had been in person or a private message and not on that poor kids Facebook wall for all his friends to see! I bet he never lived that one down.

Facebook = Google
Why Avoid Getting Friends With Your Parents on Facebook

It kind of makes you wonder how his Dad ever figured out how to log into Facebook in the first place. If Stephen didn't finally give him the address they could have been at it all night!

Pregnancy Scare
Why Avoid Getting Friends With Your Parents on Facebook

I predict this girl is going to give her Dad a heart attack one day...

Racist Dad
Why Avoid Getting Friends With Your Parents on Facebook

You somehow get the impression he wouldn't have been nearly as upset if the guy had been white. Thanks for announcing to all my friends that you're a racist, Dad!

Mom Burn
Why Avoid Getting Friends With Your Parents on Facebook
I think Jordan might need some ice for that monster burn his Mom just gave him!

Divorce Announcement
Why Avoid Getting Friends With Your Parents on Facebook
It seems like this announcement could have been done in private first. Even older people are beginning to rely a little too much on social media these days!

Worst Father Ever
Why Avoid Getting Friends With Your Parents on Facebook
I don't know what is worse, that he is talking about his daughter's butt or that he is talking about his daughter's butt before he even picked her up at the hospital!

50 Shades of Yuck
Why Avoid Getting Friends With Your Parents on Facebook
No Mum, I do not want to discuss bondage sex with you!

Mom Found It
Why Avoid Getting Friends With Your Parents on Facebook

No one is better qualified to embarass you more than good old Mom.